Hi everyone! As you can tell from my title, today I want to talk about the journey to contentment! Although, before I go into talking about it, I’d like to recognize where discontentment stems from.
The definition of discontentment is this:
- Lack of satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation : lack of contentment.
- A restless longing for better circumstances.
- Prolonged unfulfilled desire or need.
The place in your life where you’ve been longing for more, that’s where discontentment is found. We all have/have had areas in life that make us feel dissatisfied, restless, unfulfilled, or discontent. It’s in those areas that we may not be allowing God to be enough for us.
Personally, my discontentment rises up inside of me most when I’ve mistaken my longing for more “things” with the fact that my heart really just wants/needs more of God. Finding the real origin of your discontentment then reverting back to the source of true fulfillment is where things change. I believe that God allows us to experience discontentment so that we will seek Him out more fervently in prayer and depend on Him wholeheartedly. It’s then that our hearts will encounter His ultimate fulfillment.
1 Timothy 6:6
But godliness with contentment is great gain.
Could it be that where we are deeply unsatisfied is the same place we will realize that God is just calling us out into deeper spiritual waters?
The circumstances we ask God to change are often the circumstances that change us -Max Lucado
Right now, I want you to think of the circumstances in your life that you meet with daily, the ones that bring you discontentment. The prayer that has yet to be answered, the intense desire in your heart that you’ve been waiting to be fulfilled, the circumstance that look unchanging or impossible. Now that you’ve thought of your place, keep it in mind as I talk to you about it.
I know, in that area of your life, you aren’t necessarily happy, you may even be tired of it. God understands that, He sees you right where you are. Walking throughout each day it can become hard to trust God with the things you aren’t satisfied with. But, can I challenge you?
Use your discontentment as fuel to chase after your all-fulfilling God instead of your unfulfilling circumstances.
Phillipians 4:11-13
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
My advice to you: Do NOT worry about being discontent in the tomorrow’s to come, that will only overwhelm you. Ask yourself, “Can I be content today?”
It’s important to take one day at a time. Choosing to be content is a daily decision. Your answer can be yes, but not on your own strength. Let God be who you depend on for your contentment today. God wants us to remember that discontentment comes when we aren’t being completely fulfilled by Him. We are thirsty & feel dry sometimes, good thing He is the ever-flowing source of living water for us!!
Isaiah 58:11
The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.
I realize that life is constantly changing yet there are still unchanging circumstances in sight that seem daunting. At times it feels like the shifts can’t come quick enough. But remember, God wants contentment for you today and you need to experience the peace that comes along with that. Today, I encourage you to pursue God instead of dwelling in discontentment.
My prayer:
Thank you Lord for today and the contentment I will choose to find in you alone. God, today I feel like overcoming discontentment. I feel empowered to let you be my strength. It’s ridiculous for me to settle down on the ground of discontentment when you offer everything I need to be fulfilled. Thank you for relocating me to the land of contentment, where my heart is joyful in your presence. Thank you for the beautiful journey to contentment, you are teaching me so much!! I love you, Lord.
#JJOTD (Jesus Jams Of The Day) –
You satisfy– Upperroom
Do It Again- Elevation Worship
Evidence– Josh Baldwin
Love & Blessings,