The Birth Month Series (Part Two)

Welcome back Ever Be Beauties! I am so excited that you are here to take on the next 5 life lessons of The Birth Month Series with me! Whenever I reread the lessons, it takes me back to the times when I learned them. I am reminded of every time I was disappointed. Every time I felt like I didn’t have what it takes to succeed. Every time an important person left, when I thought they would stay forever. Every time I felt left out or “too different”. Every time people weren’t considerate of my feelings. Every time I felt overlooked. Well guess what? If those things did not happen to me, I wouldn’t have learned to fully rely on God! Yes, things hurt in the moment, but I’d rather have Jesus! I’d rather have Jesus than any thing this world has to offer! I would rather follow God’s plan for my life than my own, even if it doesn’t look like how I expected it to. I would rather have God’s attention than the attention of any human. I would rather have the approval of God and do good, than have the approval of other’s and do bad. I would rather love people like Jesus and be wronged by people, because God will soon right every wrong and bless me for being faithful to Him. Every lesson learned was well worth it. I feel like most people will relate to the following points, but maybe you have a similar situation going on currently and you just need to be reminded that you can rely on God, He is the only reliable resource. He is sufficient for you!

  1. Don’t rely on people, money, clothes, or any kind of thing to make you happy! You will only find disappointment. Just find your joy in Jesus, it’s the only dependable thing you will find.
  2. It’s ok to not have it all together! If there’s anything I’ve learned through life, it’s that practically everything is unpredictable. A lot of things won’t go the way you expected, and the sooner you accept that and trust God, the better you will feel about where you are. You deserve peace, so don’t worry too much about everything being perfect. Honestly, perfect is overrated! There is so much beauty in the imperfect!
  3. Not everyone is going to be happy for you! Not everyone will celebrate your winnings. Shoot, some people will even fake encouragement when, in their heart, they have resentment/bitterness/jealousy towards you. Don’t keep those people close, distance yourself. If you get a gut feeling about them that their intentions are not pure, that’s the Holy Spirit saying this person isn’t healthy to be around!
  4. Being different from others is GOOD! Choosing to not do what everyone else is doing is GOOD. Set yourself apart from the world and do what pleases GOD, not others. Pleasing the Lord should be your number 1 priority in life, and if that makes you different, GOOD!
  5. Love them anyway! There are going to be people who have characteristics that you simply will not like or approve of, love them anyway. The people who only show hate, love them anyway. The people who step on your toes on purpose, love them anyway. If you keep loving, it will pay off. I’ve seen it proven time and time again that even when no one else recognizes the love you give, God is paying attention! The love you give does not go unnoticed!

Love & Blessings,


2 Replies to “The Birth Month Series (Part Two)”

  1. So much truth and wisdom in these words! Praying God blesses you abundantly, for being so transparent and sharing your heart with others! Sometimes it’s hard to open up about sensitive experiences, but God uses that vulnerability to touch others, who may be in the same place! You are such a blessing 💗

    1. everbebeautyblog says:

      Thank you so much Mama, I sure do love you. Your encouragement and prayers mean so much to me <3

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