The Birth Month Series (Part Three)

Hi there Ever Be Beauties! Thanks for taking the time to read what I have to say today! I’ve really enjoyed sharing my thoughts with you guys, and today I’ll be continuing to do that with 5 more life lessons! It was in many different stages of life that I learned these lessons. It’s so funny to me how life changes, people change, emotions change, relationships change, and seasons change. I am so glad that God remains the same! (Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.) So with that said, let’s get into the following points!

  1. Don’t make a huge effort to keep people around, who make it obvious that they don’t care if you are present in their life or not! Trying to keep someone you need to let go of, will create so much extra stress in your life. If they don’t reciprocate appreciation then they must go (let them go nicely though). Love them from a distance. God heals all wounds of rejection & He WILL replace what you’ve lost with something much better! Remove yourself from any situation that is not necessary. Heck, ask God to remove them. He will either give you the courage to dismiss them yourself, or He will remove them with His own hand. Stay away from people who make you feel like you are hard to love!
  2. Don’t pick up what you’ve already put down! Once you let something go, do not welcome it back in. Forgive them, forgive yourself, let go of the bad influence, let go of the thought of whatever it may be. Don’t pick it back up, it’s not yours to hold onto. Some things are just too heavy to carry, give that up to someone who is much stronger (Jesus of course!)!
  3. Talking to God changes things! Once you realize that He wants to hear from you, just as you want to hear from Him, the relationship becomes so much better. Draw near to Him & he will draw near to you. To have a relationship there must be dialogue & communication. Be friends with Jesus, He literally thinks you are to die for! Don’t go to Him just to ask of Him, but live out a life for Him in exchange. Represent Him well because after all, He did save you. He laid down his life for your heart & friendship. Talk to Him, He deeply loves you!
  4. Don’t ever forget what God has done for you! Don’t be ashamed of what He has brought you through. And you better not let anything keep you from helping someone who is going through something similar. We go through things in order to relate to others. My mom actually recently showed me a quote that said , “One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through, and it will be someone else’s survival guide!” I believe that, don’t you?
  5. There will be so many different seasons of life you will go through. Sometimes you will pray for growth and expect blessings, but instead it starts raining trials, and that is God’s way of saying “You can’t grow without a little rain.” But in time, the blessings will rain down on you too, and you’ll be so much more appreciative, because you felt the growing pains first. Every season has a purpose, no season is wasted!

Love & Blessings,


2 Replies to “The Birth Month Series (Part Three)”

  1. Tammy Layfield says:

    Words of wisdom! So thankful that seasons aren’t permanent, they come and they go! But, each one has a purpose and I don’t want to ever miss the blessing of the lessons I can learn 🙌🏻

    1. everbebeautyblog says:

      Thank you Mama! So true!

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