The Birth Month Series (Part One)

Hello Ever Be Beauties! Oh my goodness!! This is my very first blog post and I’m so excited that you are here reading it, you’re a real one, an OG if you will. I’ll start by explaining the inspiration behind this blog post! Before I knew I would begin blogging, I had the desire to start writing down life lessons I had learned over time, 20 of them to be exact! I realized that In a couple of months, I would no longer be a teenager anymore and I was officially about to have 20 years of wisdom under my belt, haha! Childhood brought a lot of teaching moments, and some things that I write about are still things I’m having to work to wrap my head around! Please understand, it’s because I’m a work in progress. I felt like writing 5 lessons at a time would be a great way to slowly slip into the blogging groove. The 5 following life lessons are things you may already know, but might need to be reminded of. I hope they encourage you in some way and help you get to know who I am a little better as a person 🙂

  1. Comparison is the thief of joy. Stop comparing yourself to him or her! God didn’t make you for you to magically turn into them. He made you to be you. He made you specifically for a purpose & with a plan in mind. You are beautifully made in His is image. Your uniqueness makes you awesome. Embrace it. If you don’t like what you see in the mirror, pray about it. Pray that God changes your mindset & that He lets you see yourself through His eyes! You are loved!
  2. You have to know your worth! You have to know that you are more than enough for anyone! You have everything it takes to be great. God will make whatever “it” is happen for you in HIS timing, not your own. Trust it. Trust Him. If someone doesn’t see your worth then move away from them and get close to someone who does. After all, God sees your worth, get close to Him!
  3.  Remember, what’s meant to be yours, will be! You won’t have to chase it. Leave control in God’s hands. God doesn’t need you to give him a deadline. He knows when, where, & how. Everything is so much better His way, let him do it on His time. Do not hasten God, He’s got this. Sounds simple till you want something really badly, but it’s so worth!
  4. You have to accept the changes of life. Yes, growing up can be sad. So many things change, some faster than others. People move in and out of your life and circumstances change so quickly. Hold onto God though all of these times. He remains the same. His consistency is all you will have sometimes, good thing that is enough!
  5. See rejection as protection! It may hurt when that boy isn’t interested in you, it may hurt when people seem to be winning while nothing is going your way, it may hurt when your friend doesn’t make an effort to be around you anymore. But there is a bigger picture that you cannot see, but God can! God knows all, and while those people or circumstances don’t have the best intentions for you, God does!Everything has purpose. Every “no” leads to a better “yes!”

Love & Blessings,


2 Replies to “The Birth Month Series (Part One)”

  1. Sydney Aitkens says:

    Your words are full of wisdom! Thank you for this sweet reminder!

    1. everbebeautyblog says:

      Thank you so much sweet Sydney, I am glad you enjoyed reading the post! Love you so much bestie!

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