From Glory To Glory

Heyyyy there! Today’s post is an exciting one for me to share! To begin, I want to start by asking you a couple of questions and making a few statements that may express how you feel: Anybody else get nervous that once you leave something in the past, you may not experience anything better? Maybe […]

His Will >> Mine.

Hello friends!! Last week I talked about the journey to a life of contentment with Jesus. This week I’d like to share about enduring disappointment on the way there. While facing disappointment, it has caused me to think, “Would I be experiencing disappointment right now if I truly wanted what God wanted for me? Right […]

The Journey to Contentment

Hi everyone! As you can tell from my title, today I want to talk about the journey to contentment! Although, before I go into talking about it, I’d like to recognize where discontentment stems from. The definition of discontentment is this: Lack of satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation : lack of contentment. A […]

Jesus Is The Answer

Hello people! Was wondering, do any of y’all ever just wake up with a mind full of questions and all you want are some immediate answers? That was me yesterday morning! You know, the questionable things going on in your life that keep you wanting reason. You’d just LOVE to know the answer to all […]

Wait. Trust. Hope.

Heyyyy there!! Today is Saturday and it’s going to be a GOOD day! Although, I want to share my thoughts with you all when it comes to those “harder” days, which I know we all have. First, let’s begin with an encouraging verse: Isaiah 40:31 ESV But they who wait for the LORD shall renew […]

Let His Voice Be Your Light

(The pretty graphic designed quotes on this post and my previous one are made by my super talented best friend named Anna King! Ever Be Beauty Blog will be working in collaboration with her graphic design business named “Salt + Speech,” which was inspired by Colossians 4:6. You will be seeing more of her artwork […]