Not What You Asked For

You ever go into a circumstance expecting one answer, and leave with a completely different and better one? That was me recently. Yeah, I expected one answer, but was unaware that more options were available, or even feasible for that that matter, that could better resolve my existing issues. God met my needs by answering the prayers I prayed, and giving me things I did not think to ask for. I’m here to testify that if you just speak up to ask, God can answer with MORE than you were anticipating for. The Lord has really been laying it on my heart that He wants to give more than what we ask for, more than what just looks possible. He is not the God of disappointment, but the God of greater measure. He’s the God of abundantly more!

Ephesians 3:20

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.

This leads me to today’s passage, 1 Kings 3. King Solomon shows us how to surrender, how to be humble in the presence of the Lord, how to stay focused on God’s faithfulness, how to ask for wisdom, how to dedicate our platforms to the one who gave it to us in the first place. Solomon did those things, while God showed us why He is the God worth relying on, what it takes to be seen as favorable in His sight, and the limitless things He wants to do for a willing heart. In the past few days, I’ve repeatedly heard God whisper into my spirit so sweetly, “I will give you what you asked for, but I will also give you what you did not ask for.” Maybe you’re someone who needs to hear this as well. Let’s break down the following verses together, so that we can better comprehend how one can possess all that God has available, not just what we think to ask for.

1 Kings 3:3-4

3 Solomon loved the Lord and followed all the decrees of his father, David, except that Solomon, too, offered sacrifices and burned incense at the local places of worship. The most important of these places of worship was at Gibeon, so the king went there and sacrificed 1,000 burnt offerings.

  • Solomon loved the Lord and put praise into practice. Offerings were a habit of his, so he led a life of sacrifice and surrender. He was faithful to the Lord and his father’s decrees.

1 Kings 3:5

That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!

  • When you come to God, God comes to you. He will meet you there. Wherever “there” may be.
  • God wants you to ask so that He can give.

1 Kings 3:6

6 Solomon replied, “You showed great and faithful love to your servant my father, David, because he was honest and true and faithful to you. And you have continued to show this great and faithful love to him today by giving him a son to sit on his throne.

  • Solomon began with remembering God’s goodness to his father in the past, and his self in the present.

1 Kings 3:7

“Now, O Lord my God, you have made me king instead of my father, David, but I am like a little child who doesn’t know his way around. 

  • Solomon acknowledged his lack of wisdom, instead of avoiding it. 

1 Kings 3:8-9

And here I am in the midst of your own chosen people, a nation so great and numerous they cannot be counted! Give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong. For who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours?”

  • The first thing He asked for was an understanding heart, so that the Lord could carry out His purpose through him.
  • He traded his self-dependency for humility, when He asked the Lord how to govern the Lord’s own chosen people. No spirit of entitlement was expressed. Solomon was aware of the platform God had given him and devoted it back to the giver himself. 

1 Kings 3:10

The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for wisdom. 

  • The Lord is pleased when we ask for wisdom. 
  • James 1:5 “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”

1 Kings 3:11-12

11 So God replied, “Because you have asked for wisdom in governing my people with justice and have not asked for a long life or wealth or the death of your enemies— 12 I will give you what you asked for! I will give you a wise and understanding heart such as no one else has had or ever will have! 

  • James 4:10 “Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.”
  • God honors a selfless prayer. 
  • How many of our prayers affect more than just us? “If all your prayers were answered, would it change the world or just yours?”

1 Kings 3:13-14

13 And I will also give you what you did not ask for—riches and fame! No other king in all the world will be compared to you for the rest of your life! 14 And if you follow me and obey my decrees and my commands as your father, David, did, I will give you a long life.”

  • God wants to give you what you did not even think to ask for, along with what you did! The things you once thought were unavailable to you, or what seemed “too big” to ask for, are actually at your disposal when you belong to God.
  • What He gives is only meant for you. The wisdom and understanding he wants to give you is authentic so you must also have authentic humility. Being humble is being different, being different is what makes you eligible for God’s extraordinary blessings. Humility unlocks the typically unfathomable opportunities.
  • God’s power is what makes you incomparable and being faithful to Him is what qualifies you to receive the “MORE” He has in store.

What I learned from this passage is that, with God, dreams can literally become reality and if you follow Him + obey His commands, you won’t be disappointed. But, A few questions I have for you would be :

  • What is it that you are asking for FIRST?
  • Are you asking from a humble heart?
  • Are you asking for things that are in accordance to God’s will? 

My advice? Ask first for the right things. Everything else, that you did not ask for, will be taken care of.

Matthew 6:33

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

What area of your life do you need God’s wisdom and understanding? I’ll answer that, every one of them that exists. Ask for it. What platform has God given you that you need to give back to Him so that you can experience His true guidance, direction, and BLESSING? I’ll answer that one too, every single one of them. I bet if you ask, He’ll give you more than you thought to ask for.

Love & Blessings,
