Inspirational Quote Round-up

Hello Ever Be Beauties!! I don’t know about y’all but I have had quite the week! It wasn’t a bad week, but it felt like it lasted forever! I definitely lacked in motivation, which is why I think it’s the perfect time to write a blog slap full of inspiring quotes. When I’m feeling unmotivated, inspirational quotes really help me gain the determination to think in a better mindset, and to challenge myself to make better decisions. A wise quote has the power to inspire me to become a better person. Overall, I just love a good quote, in fact I have an entire Pinterest board devoted to them! There’s nothing better than when you read the perfect quote at the most perfect time. A quote can bring clarity, relatability, and impact a heart. I think that is so cool. So with that being said, here are 20 quotes that I think are inspiring, maybe you will too!

  1. Stop shrinking yourself to fit into places you’ve outgrown.
  2. Faith is getting dressed even when you don’t know where you’re going.
  3. When joy is a habit, love is a reflex.
  4. Don’t settle for what is humanly possible; wait for what only God can do.
  5. People being happy for people that are happy is such a magical thing.
  6. God’s delays are not God’s denials.
  7. Remember that you once dreamed of being where you are right now.
  8. It’s not about how much confidence you have; it’s about the basis on which it’s built.
  9. God is more interested in your character than your comfort.
  10. God is trying to set your faith free from the need to feel it to have it.
  11. Every time I thought I took a loss, God blessed me with something better.
  12. A lot of things broke my heart, but fixed my vision.
  13. It’s not about avoiding a thought, it’s about finding another thought.
  14. I’m not interested in competing with anyone. I hope we all make it.
  15. Prayer is not a wishlist. It’s a weapon.
  16. Insecurity comes from basing your your identity in anything but Christ.
  17. You are most yourself when you are wrapped up in purpose, not your position.
  18. I walk like I got it, because I know it’s coming.
  19. People who meet you should meet Jesus too.
  20. I am learning everyday to allow the space between where I am and where I want to be, to inspire me, and not terrify me.

Love & Blessings,
