He’s The God Of Upgrade

Heyyy there pretty people! This past week I have felt God impress 2 certain words on my heart and those words are, “upgrade” and “redeem.” Let’s rewind to a couple of months ago when I was having a good car convo with my bestie, Anna. I was spilling out my feelings of how I felt I had lost something dear to my heart. Her being the amazing, Jesus-loving friend she is, gave me an encouraging response and a phrase that stuck with me, “He’s the God of upgrade. He always replaces what you lost with something better.”

Fast forward to now.

It’s funny because I recently upgraded to a new phone, which was such a blessing but also a bit unexpected. My older phone was an iPhone 7 Plus and we had been through a lot together, to say the least lol. When I realized I was about to upgrade, I was so thankful and couldn’t help but be excited for a new and better thing! This inspired me to mentally recap on all of the other upgrades God has given me over the past 7 months.

Since it’s now July and half of this year has gone by, I think it’s appropriate to look back to the beginning of 2020. We can be honest here people, this year hasn’t looked at all like we were expecting it to! Many of us have faced a lot of challenges and obstacles. I’m being so real when I say that I have experienced so many closed doors just this year. I’ve had to let go of my expectations for what I thought life would look like and some of the people I thought would be apart of it.

These days, we are all pretty familiar with the term, “canceled.” We’ve all felt the repercussions of what we see as “missed opportunities.” But, what I’ve noticed is, each closed door in my life has been followed with a new one being opened right in front of me, even if I had to wait for it, it always came.

For every closed door, God has always somehow opened another one. I’ve seen an upgrade come along after each so-called “loss,” even if that upgrade came in the form of a whole new perspective on things! Upgrades can come in a lot of different forms.

It seems as though everything I thought I lost continues to be replaced right before my eyes. Every financial loss, He provided a way to pay the amount due. Each relationship loss, He either highlighted the people I already had in my life or introduced me to someone new. For everything I managed to wreck, He always replaced it with something better. God is able to provide “better” in every area of your life, even the areas that look canceled or hopeless.

He always brings redemption with Him wherever He goes, He never forgets to deliver His redemption.

A word for all of you:

I know that there have been many occasions that brought cancellations, loss and disappointments but God never forgets to bring the upgrade afterwards. He doesn’t forget to bring redemption to the story. Whether that blessing be a new phone, new job, new friendship, new health or even a new way of thinking. He can do what it is you want or need + more!!

Ephesians 3:20

Now all glory to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.

A few questions for you:

  • Do you believe your upgrade is coming?
  • Have you accepted the redemption God wants to speak over your life?
  • Will you walk through life with a hopeful expectancy that God will open new and exciting doors in front of you?

John Lennon once wrote, “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.” Basically, what I’m saying is, it’s not over until God says it’s over. I’ll say it once and I’ll say it a thousand more times, God is the giver of good things and if it ain’t good, He ain’t done yet homie!! If something you lost still stings, God will bring His redemptive and healing power to that very pain. He can make a bad thing better in 0.25 seconds, He’s got THAT kind of authority.

Your job:

Keep showing up. Don’t delay the entry into your doorway, your upgrade, your redemption, your promised land. Give God your everything so that you can receive the NEW, GOOD, & BETTER things He has for you!!

Luke 6:38

Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”


Help me to remember that you are the God of upgrade and you want to bring redemption to any broken area of my life. You are considerate of my heart, in fact, you hold it close to your own. You were with me when I felt the loss, the disappointment, the rejection. Please give me the strength to keep showing up at the door and to trust you, even if you decide to shut it for my own good. You feel what I feel yet, you know more than I know. Give me faith to believe for my soon-coming upgrade. You’re making all things new and always providing ways to bless me with better. Thank you, Jesus.

#JJOTD (Jesus Jam Of The day):


Love & Blessings,
