God Hasn’t Ghosted You

Heyyy there! I’m going to jump into this post real quick! Recently I came to the realization that sometimes, in my distress, I fail to remember that my cry can actually be heard. Do you feel that way too, friend? As humans, we so easily forget that God actually does hear us. I think we sometimes convince ourselves that God isn’t listening, and it creates unnecessary distance, while we should really be trusting in Him.

2 Samuel 22:7

But in my distress I cried out to the LORD; yes, I cried to my God for help. He heard me from His sanctuary; my cry reached His ears.

A term I hear a lot these days is something called, “being ghosted.” It basically means someone has decided to abruptly cut you off, sometimes for unknown reasons. When someone goes “ghost mode,” they avoid you completely, they keep their distance, and they avoid hearing from you at all cost!

I’m just here to tell you, God hasn’t ghosted you and He never will. He hears you from His sanctuary, your cries reach His ears!

It’s easy to stare our problems in the face and just talk about them. You know, we tend to walk around worrying about some things more than we pray about them. We assume that God won’t do the work or hear what we have to say, before actually asking for His help. What a shame, It’s almost as if we are accepting of defeat, we forget what it means to ask for things in faith. Many of us simply don’t approach problems with confidence because of past disappointments.

Being disappointed has persuaded many of us to believe the idea that God has gone “ghost mode” because when we ask, sometimes He doesn’t immediately answer.

Disappointment can be debilitating, but God actually does hear us, even though some circumstances may have the ability to make you think otherwise. While sitting in distress, we are prompted to believe that God is not at work, but maybe the delay of the answer has purpose. I’m here testifying that God isn’t ignoring you, and He is more than capable of meeting you where you are and providing the answer. Although, It’s all in the timing of your life.

There are a few things that you should try putting into practice, while waiting on God’s answers:

  • Staying faithful.
  • Having integrity.
  • Remaining pure.
  • Exercising humility.

2 Samuel 22:26-30

To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity. To the pure you show yourself pure, but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd. You rescue the humble, but your eyes watch the proud and humiliate them. O Lord, you are my lamp. The Lord lights up my darkness. In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall.

If we expect God to be faithful in hearing + answering prayers, He should be able to expect us to stay faithful in trusting Him also! So, stay steadfast and of good character in the waiting for your answers to come! He will equip you for the time being, and He will most certainly honor your prayers at the very best time! Just because you are not seeing changes, doesn’t mean His hand isn’t moving things around in the unseen, and it doesn’t mean He isn’t hearing you.

He is strategic in His hearing your prayers, and His answering of them.

Now that we know we are most definitely heard by God, we are also aware of the fact that we can ask Him for absolutely anything! Do that, unafraid, ask Him for any & all things! Why? Because, despite what your past disappointment is trying to tell you, God is present and wants to do good things for you! He’s your Father and loves to say yes to you, with your best interest in mind and in the perfect timing for your life!

Mark 11:24

“I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.”

An idea:

Write down the questions and prayers that you have for God, or verbally say them out loud! When you come to God with things, you won’t waste your time assuming you know the answers and outcomes already! Know & believe that you have been heard by the God without limits. Make the choice daily to walk through life living by faith, with integrity, with purity, with humility, and with a God-given confidence! Know that the answers you receive will be in accordance to His will for your life, which is much better than your own will! It’s all in the timing, trust in the author of time Himself today!

Love & Blessings,
