Fire On the Inside

Heyyy, people! Today I want to talk about feeling worn out. Working hard, thinking too much, running on E, if you know what I mean. I’ve been tired, how about you? Not sure what your reasoning is for feeling drained but I’d like to talk a little bit about it. When I hear that someone is tired I automatically assume it’s from living a fast-paced life and staying busy. But sometimes a mental battle is just as tiring. I’d like to tap into that.

What’s wearing me down mentally/spiritually? What is keeping me so overwhelmed? 

Recently I found myself in a place where I was thinking so often, about so many things that I had become silenced. Inside, my mind was in overdrive and most thoughts were growing into doubt & fear. One of the enemies favorite tactics is distraction, and the way he does that is he draws our attention to what we are most concerned about. In result, we choose to think on those things, instead of heavenly things. We loose our appetite to even verbalize the truth aloud. This leaves a heart feeling weary. 

If you’re not familiar with the prophet, Jeremiah, this man was a faithful messenger of God’s word. He endured mockery for pronouncing God’s judgement on the people of his time for their sin. He is described as someone who is courageous and persistent but, under the stress and strain of his sufferings, even he was tempted to abandon the work and refuse to speak of God anymore. Although, when he attempted to find freedom from suffering in silence, it was impossible; the silence became more intolerable than suffering. 

Jeremiah 20:9

But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord or speak in His name, His word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it!

Guys, for too long I gave my energy to worry, which left me feeling low and dissatisfied. But, that energy was meant to be used to speak His name, to give God praise. We are not called to live a life of exhaustion & suffering due to fear and worry that paralyzes us from speaking truth. Jeremiah describes the passion and energy he is experiencing as a fire that can’t be put out, he’s only worn out if he tries to hold back his praise. What I’m saying is, we don’t have to be so tired if we make the decision to use our mind, heart and mouths to do what they were created to do – not to worry, but to worship. 

So, how do we gain back the confidence we lost in God while we were distracted by doubt? 

We make up our minds that God stands with us: 

Jeremiah 20:11 

But the Lord stands beside me like a great warrior. Before him my persecutors will stumble. They cannot defeat me. They will fail and be thoroughly humiliated. Their dishonor will never be forgotten.

Jeremiah portrayed a confidence in God that I want. He uses phrases of assurance like, “the Lord stands beside me.” Stands, with an ‘s’ meaning, consistently standing, never departing. And, “They will fail.” That’s a promise.

How do we use our strength to speak truth?

We commit our cause to God:

Jeremiah 20:12

O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, you test those who are righteous, and you examine the deepest thoughts and secrets. Let me see your vengeance against them, for I have committed my cause to you.

First things first, Jeremiah chose to trust that God KNOWS who is righteous and the thoughts of each person, including his enemies. And the most important thing… He committed his cause to the Lord. That takes a lot of strength, have you done that? There’s a reason he had the hope He did to share with others, he committed his life to the cause of speaking God’s word. 

My reminder for you today:

Live + speak with fire in your bones & heart, instead of doing yourself an injustice by staying quiet and allowing yourself to grow tired on the inside. Don’t be so consumed with the distraction of doubt that you lose your voice to praise. Leaning on your own understanding is draining and it only tempts you to withhold God’s truth, which is even more tiring. Have hope and confidence in God. Commit your life to speaking His truth over your own life and over other people’s lives as well. Don’t be silenced, don’t contain the fire on the inside.

#JJOTD (Jesus Jam Of The Day):

We Praise You – Bethel Music, Brandon Lake

Love & Blessings,
