Beautiful for Your Own Time

Hello pretty people! Truthfully, I wasn’t planning on writing a blog post yesterday, which was Labor Day and my 21st birthday but guess who has a few words to share?? Me, lol! When I woke up yesterday morning, I opened my Bible to the book I’ve been studying, which was Daniel. Not going to lie, it just wasn’t what I wanted to read so, I closed my Bible. Sometimes it’s better to allow God to lead you to what you need to read for that day instead of continuing a study routine. I decided to ask God to speak to me about this day and this year of my life. When I opened the Bible back up, it was turned to Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and had the following verse written in big letters:

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.

It couldn’t be a more perfect word. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 talks about there being a season for everything and how important it is to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Although, going into my 21st year of life it’s easy to compare the fruits of my labor to other people’s, it’s easy to weigh my accomplishments to the average 21-year-old, and it’s easy to make this special day feel more like a deadline. My life looks far different from the next person’s or even the expectations I originally had for myself, my achievements are unique to my own timeline, and the accomplishments of my labor are unlike anyone else’s.

It’s important to remember that we’ve all worked hard to get where we are. We have to remember, our achievements are beautiful on their own, not compared.

What I’m saying is:

It’s okay if your life’s work looks different than theirs, it wasn’t meant to be the same. It’s okay if you’re not where you thought you’d be, where you are is beautiful. The grass is not greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it. At the end of the day, this is just a quickly lived life & I’d rather spend my time loving my own life rather than comparing it to another person’s.

Ecclesiastes 3:12-13

So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can. And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.

Friends, I hope you are happy with the work you have accomplished in this life so far. I hope that you are in God’s will and working to fulfill God’s purpose for your life. Enjoy where you are and, before you envy other people’s fruit, be proud of your own life’s work!

A few questions I want to ask you:

  • What is the goal you are living to work for?
  • Are you happy with the fruits of your labor? If not, are you sure your doing what God has called you to do?
  • Have you been unable to notice the beauty of your life’s work by comparing it to someone else’s?

Love & Blessings,
